Dreadball App

Dreadball App

Postby Ray » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:48 pm

I'm starting this thread as an official place for everything to do with the App. I have a new version which fixes a few of the known issues with the existing one, so if people want me to update their iPads I can do so this evening. If your iPad uses the old style 30 pin connector then bring a cable as I no longer have one.

The new version has the following changes:
Fixed add player popover including displaying costs against new players
Fixed loading of coaches from saved data
Changed level stepper to automatically adjust experience as well
Changed overview to show experience in green for players who have enough for the next level

Known issues:
Costs are not displayed when buying team upgrades (coaches/dice/cards/etc)
Strange popover behaviour when running in landscape
Need to work out how to properly handle robots that change position
No way to add MVPs to a team
After buying things you must manually adjust your team's cash

If anyone notices any other issues, or wants to make feature suggestions, this is the place to do it.
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Re: Dreadball App

Postby Dave » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:51 pm

Thanks for your efforts Ray, I find the app really useful as I'm a renowned roster misplacer!

Changes sound good too.

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Re: Dreadball App

Postby Pass » Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:03 pm


- Ability to move players within the roster, so player order is not locked.
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