The bugs spread across the table, and aiming to scout their objectives sharpish The Lads split into two groups, Reggie, Ophelia and Helga heading down the left flank to scout out a crypt while Saek, Rivali and Hugo head for a more central ruin.
The left flank quickly reaches their objective and engages a couple of bugs. Helga and Reggie manage to splat one each.

The central party however quickly realise that the rest of the bugs are heading for them, and not fancying an outnumbered fight with the giant spider dubbed the bug 'leader' they send the speedy Rivali on 'Operation Kite.' He pelts it for the far corner of the table with a horde behind him while Hugo and Saek circle around to their objective trying to avoid an ominous rustling (unknown enemy counter) that is heading for the centre of the table.

As Rivali reaches the edge of the battlefield Saek is forced to make a dash for the objective (if you haven't achieved your objective then running off the table means a roll on the risky 'Flight in the Dark' table). This takes him too close to the unknown enemy, which turns out to be four more spiders! Bad news.

At the start of each turn you roll for initiative by rolling as many d6 as you have party members. These are then assigned to models, with rolls below or equal to their agility allowing them to go before the enemy, and rolls above meaning the enemy go first. Saek is agility 1 like most models but Rivali is a 2 which is what has kept him ahead of the bugs up to now. So if I can roll a 1 and a 1/2 on six dice then both can escape and all is well.

Rivali is off but Saek is going to get jumped. He's probably ok though. Only a couple of the spiders are close enough to attack this turn, and he can fight defensively to hopefully run away.

He is not okay. The first spider utterly beasts him. Seeing the writing on the wall the rest of the Lads scarper before the bug horde can close on them. We achieved our objective but did not hold the field.

A couple of factors that made sticking around to finish this fight not a great idea were that the faction rule for the enemy table the bugs were rolled on is that every time I cast a spell it might attract more enemies to the table (hence zero casting from me) and that the bugs are fearless and won't run away whereas usually the enemy will start to flee as you kill them.