How low can you go?

How low can you go?

Postby Dave » Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:16 pm

Speaking to Gary last week about Warhammer Fantasy and it got me all nostalgic (for a game I probably only played about 5 times over several editions!)

I’ve been rooting around in the attic and dug out my fantasy stuff with a view to convincing someone to have some games of WHFB.

My question though is about KoW, is it playable at say 750ish points or is that too low? I have enough High Elves to just about do that (using 2nd edition KoW points values).

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Re: How low can you go?

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:32 pm

Can't remember exactly but I think me and Ray were playing between 500-1000 when we were re learning and they were ok.
What would your line up be as I've a few High Elves that may be useable to point up.
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Re: How low can you go?

Postby Ray » Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:42 pm

The rulebook advises allowing any number of troops below 1000 so you can play with a lot of small units rather than a tiny unit count. I don't see why it wouldn't be playable at 750. Alternatively just model some unit fillers to bulk things out to regiment size and can probably make 1000 easily enough.
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Re: How low can you go?

Postby Dave » Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:31 pm

1x Spearmen Regiment (only 15 models)
2x Place Guard Troop
1x Cavalry Troop
1x Archer Troop
1x Mage

I’ve also got a hero on a Griffon so maybe 1,000 points.

My plan is to make a 500 point WHFB list and build off of that.
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