Some KOW questions...

Some KOW questions...

Postby bennyowens » Thu May 27, 2021 8:47 pm

I've been having a look at this game since Ray talked it up on Tuesday and it sounds right up my alley, to scratch that Warhammer Fantasy itch. Some questions:

- Do many people at the club play?
- What sized battles do you generally play?
- Most importantly, what factions are already represented in the club? I have my eye on a couple, but would want to try and avoid duplicating someone else to keep the variety up.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Brad85 » Thu May 27, 2021 9:05 pm

I know Ray, Mike, Gary and I definitely have it. I think Dave might too?

In terms of races I have forces of nature, and I believe Mike has Abyssal Dwarfs.
Even if you run the same faction there's enough flexibility in the army list for two armies to be different.

In terms of points I've got 1000, but I think the others can go bigger. Shall I leave the KoW rulebook out for you when you feed my cat?

As an aside, I have Nightstalkers in Vanguard but not enough to do KoW.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Mike » Thu May 27, 2021 10:36 pm

Yep, Abyssal dwarfs about 2000 points.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Ray » Fri May 28, 2021 1:22 am

I have dwarfs (a lot), undead (2000), and forces of the abyss (1000).

Oli and Jon have also both played but neither are about very often.

1k is a pretty good starter game size. Big enough to be a decent game but small enough to not take long even if you’ve not played before. 2k is standard size and can easily be down in an evening once you know the basics. We have played plenty of games of various sizes 1k up to I think 3k at the club with no problem fitting them into the evening.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby bennyowens » Fri May 28, 2021 6:46 am

Sounds like I'm good to go getting some Northern Alliance miniatures then!

Brad - yes please that would be great

Edit: go big or go home, right? Cant get over how much cheaper these minis are than GW

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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Ray » Fri May 28, 2021 11:51 am

The mega army boxes are by far the best deals, there are reasons why these are so cheap compared with GW though. There's a lot of PVC, limited poses, and metal/resin upgrade parts to turn base plastics into other unit types. Having said that, they generally look great as large units at sensible viewing distances even if individual models are sometimes not great. Northern Alliance is one of the newer ranges so probably better than most.

I had a look at that army box and apart from needing to combine the 20 naiads into a single unit to meet army composition rules, as pictured it comes to 1210 points, so a good 1k list with a couple of options to swap out.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby bennyowens » Fri May 28, 2021 11:59 am

Ray wrote:The mega army boxes are by far the best deals, there are reasons why these are so cheap compared with GW though. There's a lot of PVC, limited poses, and metal/resin upgrade parts to turn base plastics into other unit types. Having said that, they generally look great as large units at sensible viewing distances even if individual models are sometimes not great. Northern Alliance is one of the newer ranges so probably better than most.

I had a look at that army box and apart from needing to combine the 20 naiads into a single unit to meet army composition rules, as pictured it comes to 1210 points, so a good 1k list with a couple of options to swap out.

That's what I was thinking, if the game is always played with ranked units it doesnt matter as much that the guy in the third rank is the same as the guy in the first, as long as it looks effective on the tabletop.

Thanks for totalling that up, seems like a good starting point. Was planning on getting some Beastclaw Raiders for Age of Sigmar but wasnt really in love with the game system, this is much more what I'm after!
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri May 28, 2021 12:18 pm

I've got Northern Alliance for Vanguard, but as I have zero interest in playing KoW (I'm not a fan of big battle games, even sensible ones like this!) there's no concern over a cross-over.

Now, if we ever play Vanguard again... ;)
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby Ray » Fri May 28, 2021 4:38 pm

bennyowens wrote:go big or go home, right?

Go really big. My Dwarfs need something to fight.
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Re: Some KOW questions...

Postby bennyowens » Sat May 29, 2021 12:08 pm


You lot are a bad influence on me! Gonna try using mostly contrast paints, and maybe only add extra detail on the front rank of each unit
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