Gaslands post-season

For any 'post-apocalypse' games we play, such as Scrappers, Gaslands, Mercs, Dark Future or others

Gaslands post-season

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed May 25, 2022 6:16 pm

It's all over - lessons learned, dents knocked out, drivers replaced.

If we do Gaslands again:
2 cars max per person per race.
Your team can have as many or as few vehicles as you want (remembering the 2 per race rule)

Spitballing: I know I enjoyed the Martian version (as I think Dave did) as laying multiple templates made the game feel dynamic. BUT! I did miss the rolling of dice (no thing is a sure thing).
I wonder if in a normal game you could place 3 templates of your choice (no more than 2 the same) but if you're not in the right gear when you reach a template your opponent can replace it
For example, I'm in gear 3, place a medium, medium, hairpin.
First medium, I roll dice, go to gear 4.
Second medium, I roll dice, but only drop 1 gear
Hairpin, I'm now in to high a gear, and my opponent can choose a template.

If dice rolls mean you get spins or slides, you work them out then continue your templates as chosen.

Thoughts? Obviously would need some testing.
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: Gaslands post-season

Postby Tom » Wed May 25, 2022 7:34 pm

Ban RC cars if only for the slowdown from the extra activations they bring.

I’m less keen on the multiple template stuff as a regular thing. Fun as an alternative though.
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Re: Gaslands post-season

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed May 25, 2022 7:40 pm

I could get behind banning RCs, but at the very least they should need a build slot and a crew from the 'firing' vehicle to control (so the crew fires one less gun).
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: Gaslands post-season

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:47 pm

A rule we got wrong at various times.

If you're shooting at a vehicle with multiple weapons then you roll all dice together, then they get to evade once (or once for normal weapons, then separately for special attacks) - also means you need to declare all attacks against that target before rolling.
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