Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:27 am

Game 1:

Having witnessed some odd looking chaps in robes attempt to sprint for some distant goal and get swamped with the dead, the Gents decided to try a more softly, softly approach for their raid on the munitions store, sneaking slowly up and keeping the threat level down. It was all going well until Patrick made a dash for the door, failed to open it, and then got swamped with walkers appearing from nowhere. Then, as if a dam had been broken, the dead started flooding in from everywhere and all the Gents were surrounded and thoroughly chewed.

Escape was made with some minor loot and lots of lingering injuries, but everyone at least lived even though those tempting guns had to be abandoned to the shambling hoards.

2 zombie kills.
Gained a tire iron, a 2x4, some bandages and 10 points of supplies.

Lacey levels up.

New value 158.
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:53 pm

The Gents are getting the hang of this apocalypse lark. Went out foraging in some abandoned cars and spotted some shady looking characters across a burnt out car park. Carlos carefully lined up a bow shot and did one of the bleeders a King Harold special, right in the eye. After their mate fell down his companions seemed to go a bit loopy and drew all the dead in the area over to themselves in what appeared to be a desperate attempt to spend all their handgun ammo. The gents left them to it and swept the now fairly safe area of goodies before beating a swift retreat.

New kills total 4.

New gang value 249.
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:25 pm

Had a bit of a tussle with three burly looking chaps while searching a very crowded field of walkers. Moderate success. Despite darkness hampering efforts, Carlos Hood slotted two of the blighters with his bow, but not before one of them had shot Lacey with a pistol. New boy Dale got a bit over enthusiastic and met the business end of a hatchet when he got too close to the lead ruffian. And then poor Sophia managed to get overwhelmed by the dead at the last minute despite her riot shield. Still nobody died and we got some loot if not any new territory.

New points total: 293
New zombie kill total: 8
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Sat May 25, 2019 6:00 pm

Manged our usual last turn collapse and only one Gent was left standing to drag the others home.

Took out one survivor
Killed 5 zombies
New points: 304 (doesn't reflect the serious amount off injuries we're carrying!)
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Wed May 29, 2019 5:53 pm

The breakthrough did not go well... Our bowman seemed to have his eyes closed whereas those damned cultists had their eye in just fine.

Poor Dale bit it permanently in the now very familiar final turn zombie swarm and took his shiny new gun with him. But at least nobody got eaten by anybody alive!

New total 266 :(

Killed 7 zombies.
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Gentlemen of the Apocalypse campaign log

Postby Tom » Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:24 pm

Solo game attempting to grab some sweet loot and run away. We grabbed but we failed to run. Though we did at least get through unscathed so healed a few injuries.

10 zombie kills. Gained some horse pills and some generic points of loot.

New total 324 plus whatever horse pills cost.
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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