WHQuest (Was: Tuesday 26th Aug)

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Re: Tuesday 26th August (and Sunday and Monday)

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:27 pm

We're playing the ARBBL version. Currently trying to beat the record of level four characters! We just seem to roll awful dice for us and awesome dice for the A.I. If a dice decided good or bad we would get bad, and we always roll bad monsters. Even this little run we were using straight out of the box with the basic card set and we get at least fifteen Minotaurs (D3 always was 3) over the two days. What didn't help was the adventure we rolled was the one where any monster encounters we experienced were promoted to objective room monster encounters on a one or a two. This soon fills up corridors. We also had to continue playing over three dungeons as we had to finish to get our memories back. The get out of jail escape didn't help one bit.
'Jenkins, chap with wings there...five rounds rapid.' - The Brigadier.
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MoodyGit (Gary)
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
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Re: Tuesday 26th August (and Sunday and Monday)

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:12 pm

Perhaps we can make this open ended like a blood bowl league. Other people can make up characters and we play occasionally to keep the group well rounded. If a character gets to far ahead, :lol: , we can rest him while others delve in. A second wizard, or variant of, and some of the more awkward characters. Try and keep the group a similar level but also keep the game to four players at a time.

'Jenkins, chap with wings there...five rounds rapid.' - The Brigadier.
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MoodyGit (Gary)
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 2212
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:23 pm


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