
Vanguard stuff goes here


Postby Tom » Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:19 pm

Noticed on a chance reading of the Mantic blog that the new goblin releases include changes to quite a few units from the original book. Let’s hope that list building website keeps up with the changes if this is the way they are going to do errata.
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Re: Errata

Postby Tom » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:27 pm

Looking back into Vanguard stuff, there’s some significant errata, but it and all army list are now free PDFs on the Mantic site.

My goblins are fairly unrecognisable! No more scout on the archers, nerf to equipment slot mounts and no more using spells to reactivate the troll.
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Re: Errata

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:29 pm

Should we ever head back to playing Vanguard, they've updated the rulebook, but between erratas and updating their pdfs we should be ok rather than having to buy new rulebooks. ... lable-now/

Relevant bit:
Ah, it’s our old friend, imaginary blog reader… and they’ve got a very pertinent question. We realise that some of you may have just bought a rulebook or have a rulebook sitting on the shelf, so you may be a little concerned your book is now out of date. Fret not dear blog reader because we have a number of solutions to cater to this issue…

DIGITAL RULEBOOKS – all digital rulebooks previously ordered from the Mantic website will be updated to include the new rulebook totally free of charge. Simply head to the ‘downloads’ section of your account and download the rulebook again. We’re expecting this to be ready later this week
ERRATA – the errata is now labelled as being for the previous print of the rulebook, but we’ve included the list of changes so you can see what is different. You can download that here
FREE RULES – these have also been updated with the new rules. You can download those here
IF YOU BOUGHT A RULEBOOK SINCE JANUARY 2021 – if you bought a physical rulebook since January 2021, then please send proof of purchase to We’ll then send you a code to download a digital version of the new rulebook for free, so you’re all up to date!
Send help - buried under my lead mountain!
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Darkson (Simon)
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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