Being a Billy No-Mates

Any chance to play outside of club night

Being a Billy No-Mates

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:37 pm

Took Dark Souls home, and managed to get through half a game (defeated the Winged Knight mini-boss), but it was hard work. Only took 3 characters in (left the herald behind) and have a distinct lack of upgrades (Warrior still only has basic equipment).

Sure I made some mistakes along the way, and I am convinced the Dodge dice are broken (failed 12 2-dice Dodges on the trot, all needing 1 success on a 50/50) but good fun, and getting quicker at the end.
Might start the main boss tomorrow.

Mini-boss dead.jpg
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: Being a Billy No-Mates

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:23 pm

2 years later....

Final stretch goals arrived (2 years after the main game arrived!) so I might have to break this out again.
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Darkson (Simon)
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