

Postby Dave » Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:51 pm


Just FYI we played Pushing slightly wrong. Second paragraph is the relevant one.

If a movement effect indicates that it is a Push, the move- ment must be in a straight line and may not be broken up into smaller horizontal segments. All Pushing is horizontal (though models may change elevation if they Push horizontally along a staircase or hill; see pg. 39 for more details).

If a Pushed model encounters another model or Impass- able Terrain during this movement, its movement is interrupted and stops.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Push

Postby Brad85 » Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:18 pm

Crime Boss and the wall? Done some digging too and found this https://themostexcellentandawesomeforum ... 8021-push/

from rules wrote:Climbable: Models may not move through
Climbable Terrain, but they may move across its
top (often a roof) and may move vertically up
and down along its sides. Other than its top, all
other portions of Climbable terrain are treated as
Impassable. If a model ignores this terrain trait, it
may still move vertically up and down along the
sides of this terrain.

So if there was a step stool in front of the wall he'd have been fine :lol:
Greater Pumpkinhead
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