Announcing Third Edition

Announcing Third Edition

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:18 pm ... rd-edition

We know we said there would be no more news until after Gen Con, but we had something we just couldn't keep quiet about...


Thanks to those crawlers that work at the Malifaux Tattler, sometimes secrets don't stay so secret for long. Honestly, we can't really blame them. When you're about to announce a new edition, it's difficult not to get super excited.

You heard it here first (or second, but who's counting?): Malifaux Third Edition is coming! In this newsletter, we'll be talking about what we have in store for M3E, as well as how you can start playing it early!

We aren't reinventing the wheel with Malifaux Third Edition. Instead, we're improving gameplay by ironing out a few kinks, streamlining some systems, reducing the number of conditions, and more. All of this is to ensure that the focus is on the fun while still keeping the layers of strategy that we all enjoy.

Hiring is also getting a facelift, as models will be hired by Keyword, allowing for more thematic crew building around your (new or existing) Masters. Speaking of Masters, you'll also be able to hire multiple Masters in a single crew.

You can find out more information about what's in store for Malifaux Third Edition on our website!

Don't panic! If you're afraid of change, we're here to help alleviate some of those fears. Malifaux is as much your game is as it ours. We are launching a closed beta for players who are interested in making a positive impact.

Make your voice be heard by joining the closed beta!

Will you be at Gen Con this year? We'll be there showing off what makes Third Edition so great from when the doors open on Thursday, August 2nd, until they close on Sunday, August 5th.

Duke it out as either Rasputina or Marcus with updated stat cards and rules. Make sure to stop by booth #1129 (that's us!) to get a demo of Malifaux Third Edition!

We consider our community around the world like an extended family and want to make sure our release reflects that. All of M3E's updated stat cards and its rules will be available at launch for free.

Additionally, both Third Edition's rules and stat cards will be translated in seven languages (English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish) shortly after release, as well, so all players around the world will be able to play Third Edition without any long delays.
We can't wait to hear your thoughts on Third Edition.

With streamlined rules, an intuitive hiring system, and much more, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!

Might be worth you getting yourselves involved in the closed beta (link is in the link above).
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Tom » Wed Jul 25, 2018 6:14 pm

Nicodem and Lilith both conspicuous by their absence!
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Dave » Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:55 pm

Disappointed if they’re not in the game in some form or another. I have both “masters” so will be a bit of a pisser (especially Lilith as she’s actually painted!)
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Tom » Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:02 pm

I’ve no idea what their plan is (all the missing masters have plot reasons for being absent, Nico is dead and Lilith was captured) but I’m sure they’ll get rules of some kind in the new edition.
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:38 pm

Rather frustrating, especially as I was going to get painting Malifaux again, but not entirely unexpected.

Good to see that my main master (certainly in terms of painted crew to accompany him) has been removed from the game :o , and the one I was about to paint is getting a significant nerf in terms of her core mechanic :o :roll: - I'll have to wait out to see what it means in terms of crew construction.

Dave wrote:Disappointed if they’re not in the game in some form or another. I have both “masters” so will be a bit of a pisser (especially Lilith as she’s actually painted!)

I think I read on the forums that they will appear in the form of 'Dead Man's Hand' edition released a little way after M3E is released but they won't be tournament legal. Bonus; especially as I'd just got Amelia Bothery as a Alt Nico Sculpt :evil: . Even more surprising as Wyrd had just errata-ed Nico at the beginning of the month.

Not sure what the closed Beta is going to achieve so close to GenCon other than feed another errata. I'll wait and see what happens post GenCon before I decide if Malifaux gets back on the painting table :? ...
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:06 am

With GenCon 18 underway, it hasn't taken too long for some pictures of the new character cards and rules reference cards to emerge. Some of the changes look interesting.
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Brad85 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:44 pm

So I got introduced to this last week. Interested in getting into it - the gremlins most likely - but was advised to hold off for 3rd edition.
Is there any kind of a hint when it will be out?
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Dave » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:17 pm

They have just started the BETA playtesting so I reckon at least another 6-9 months, but really it’s anybody’s guess!

It’s a great game and from what the rumour mill is churning out over on the Wyrd forums 3E won’t be that much different from 2E.
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby Brad85 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm

Thanks Dave.
That's good to hear. Usually if a new edition is round the corner when I'm looking at the game it ends up being a week after I've made a purchase...
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Re: Announcing Third Edition

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:25 pm

Just having had a cursory glance at the Wyrd website, they've got some FAQs up regarding M3E.

Q - When is M3E going to be released?
A - 2019

GenCon 19 by any chance?
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