'Pastor' Pio Pietersen and his Powerful Plasmancers

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'Pastor' Pio Pietersen and his Powerful Plasmancers

Postby bennyowens » Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:10 pm

A dumping ground for everything to do with my Van Saar gang, led by a man with a few loose wires and an unhealthy obsession with his plasma rifle...
Lesser Pumpkin
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Re: 'Pastor' Pio Pietersen and his Powerful Plasmancers

Postby bennyowens » Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:03 pm

Practice game 1 vs Dave's Cawdor

Used a pretty basic list just using the standard box. Leader with plasma gun, champion with plasma gun, champion with plasma pistol/laspistol, 4 x ganger with lasgun

The Good

- Plasma gun + fast shot on a 2+ BS champion is a wicked combo

- The lasgun's bonus to hit at short range makes shooting into combat a viable option

- 4+ saves on leader and champions is very nice

The Bad

- Only having 7 models vs 14 meant I got swamped with bodies pretty quickly, exacerbated by only having 4" movement. I didn't get to dictate where the battle was fought.

- Having zero combat ability meany I could get bogged down in combat with a juve that costs half my credits with no easy way to deal with them

The Ugly

- Having your most expensive model on 2+ BS, +2 to hit and ignoring cover modifiers is all lovely, but doesn't help if you keep rolling 1s!


Definitely need to get at least one hoverboard dude in the mix to give me some mobility and prevent my list being a static gun line. Feels like its not really worth investing in close combat tools as they wouldn't be able to hit anything anyway.
Lesser Pumpkin
Posts: 487
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Re: 'Pastor' Pio Pietersen and his Powerful Plasmancers

Postby Dave » Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:18 pm

I've had a quick look and most scenarios seem to max out at 10 models so that should help a bit.

Van Saar juves with lasguns are pretty decent and might help squeeze in an 8th guy.

Not sure what you can do about HtH to be honest, champions with only 1 attack is tough.
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Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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