Campaign Tracker

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Campaign Tracker

Postby Dave » Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:07 pm

I’ll use this thread as the “top level” data tracker. Feel free to add your data and I’ll update this post (EDIT: “kills” are enemy models taken out of action).

End of Round 4

House: Cawdor
Gang Name: The Union
Gang Rating: 1490
Rep: 9
Wealth: 1540
Territories: 4
Creds: 50
Kills: 12
Alignment: Law abiding

House: Goliath
Gang Name: Meatheads
Gang Rating: 1785
Rep: 10
Wealth: 1795
Territories: 4
Creds: 10
Kills: 16
Alignment: Law abiding

House: Orlock
Gang Name:
Gang Rating: 1095
Rep: 5
Wealth: 1060
Territories: 2
Creds: 65
Kills: 2

House: Delaque
House: Delaque
Gang Name: Wasteland Questoris
Gang Rating: 1100
Rep: 6
Wealth: 1150
Territories: 2
Creds: 50
Kills: 1
Last edited by Dave on Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:13 pm, edited 19 times in total.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Brad85 » Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:43 pm

House: Delaque
Gang Name: Wasteland Questoris
Gang Rating: 905
Rep: 2
Wealth: 935
Territories: 2
Creds: 30
Kills: 0

Do I include the 3 lots of free incendiary charges from my territory in the wealth? If so that's 120 more...
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Dave » Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:22 pm

Thanks. Yeah I think they add to your rating, I’ve added mine on.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Tom » Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:27 pm

House: Goliath
Gang Name: Meatheads
Gang Rating: 1010
Rep: 4
Wealth: 1030
Territories: 2
Creds: 20
Kills: 5
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Brad85 » Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:02 am

We all have a settlement territory to begin with don't we?
If so I have a question about Rep.
A gang starts on 1 and the gang moot scenario grants 1 rep for taking part, doesn't the settlement territory also add 1?
So should Dave and I have 3 instead of 2?
And Tom on 5? Starting 1, 1 for settlement, 1 for showing up and 2 more for taking my leader out of action?

Just realised as well that as advancements are a pre battle thing, does that mean my rating etc... needs to come down by 60 (3 guys at 20 each) until I spend the XP before the next game?
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:13 am

The starting 1 is the 1 from the settlement.

The spending Xperia’s in the pre-battle phase is ridiculous so we tend to ignore it. My small rating bump is a level up.
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Brad85 » Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:14 am

Tom wrote:The starting 1 is the 1 from the settlement.

The spending Xperia’s in the pre-battle phase is ridiculous so we tend to ignore it. My small rating bump is a level up.

Thought so and expected so, ta!
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:43 am

Xperia's? WTF? Stupid phone typing.
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Ray » Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:12 pm

House: Orlock
Gang Name:
Gang Rating: 1095 (or maybe 995?)
Rep: 5
Wealth: 1060
Territories: 2
Creds: 65
Kills: 2

I'll come up with a name soon.

Because of the way the hired gun rules appear to work, following rules as written my gang rating is 995 in campaign terms but 1095 in game assuming I take both scum as modelled, but could be anything from 995 up to 1175. I'm happy for you to treat this as 1095 because in reality that is what it will be.

Also I would like to complain about the lack of tea. The rulebook says we are supposed to drink tea while we are figuring out how the campaign works.
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Re: Campaign Tracker

Postby Brad85 » Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:47 pm

Ray wrote:Also I would like to complain about the lack of tea. The rulebook says we are supposed to drink tea while we are figuring out how the campaign works.

We could move campaign meetings to the Tea Cosy in Hurstbourne Tarrant? Got some good cake there
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