Mordheim mini campaign

Mordheim mini campaign

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:07 am

This was brought up again tonight and I'm still happy to run it. I need an even number of players for it to work and so far the following was thrown in the mix.

Mike - undead
Oli - witch hunters
Dave - dwarf
Simon - sisterhood
Sven - skaven
Ray - My human gang, Marienburg
Pass - undead
Tom - Reikland

The last slot really needs to be from the fifteen excluding Orc, beastmen, skaven or undead. The fifteen are in the following post,


Can we confirm these are the gangs you want as next step is I will print out a roster sheet and the army list for your band and bring them to club. You will need to create your gang and then return to me. Please make an effort to name as it makes my life easier when I write the scenarios.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:33 am

Gary, any views on this old thread of ours: ... -mordheim-

Also, from reading an old thread on .webs we found that the downloadable rulebook is 2.0 - I assume that's the one we're using? If so anyone using the physical book needs to download the FAQ: ... rrata.282/

And so it's easy for anyone to find: ... rdheim.12/ (you'll need to register and log-in)
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Dave » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:41 pm

I can confirm Dwarfs for me.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Tom » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:48 pm

Absolutely! Will peruse the literature and get back to you.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Tom » Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:47 pm

Probably thinking Ostland as that seems suit my likely rag tag bunch of random minis, mainly drawn from the first Reaper Bones kickstarter.

Confused re: rules. On Yaktribe I see 1.0 and 2.1 rules. Either of those or something else?
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:09 pm

Tom, on rules:

If you have the physical softcover book you have the rules 1.0

The last set of rules GW held were the 3 pdfs on Yaktribe - they are rule 2.0 (and the ones I assume we'll be using [waiting for Moodygit to confirm above]): ... rules.201/ , ... bands.202/ , ... aigns.203/
Ignore the bit on Yaktribe where it says it's "1.0 - that means it's the first version they've uploaded (confusing, I know!).

If you have the softcover book, if you add the FAQ ... rrata.282/ it will update to 2.0.

The 2.1 rules are fan-made ones. I believe they were made by the non-GW members of the Mordheim Rule Committee after GW stopped supporting the game, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

So basically, if you don't have the rules currently, just download the 3 part rules and you're golden.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Tom » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:10 am

Found a large box of old plastic Brettonian archers, as such settled on Reikland. Pew, pew.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:00 am

I've got the Robin Hood characters I use for mine that you can borrow for your heroes if you want.
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby Mike » Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:45 pm

Undead gang
Dregs x 3
Zombies x 3
Ghouls x 4
With weapons 495 credits

Will be using pumpkin figures.
Vampire Count Bleu-de Hongrie
Necromancer Maliformus
Dregs Gruener, Mammut and Roter
Ghouls will be gourds
Zombies will be Squashes

Jack o lanterns :twisted: for the gang name
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Re: Mordheim mini campaign

Postby nobby » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:35 pm

Sie brennen schmutzig Hexe for my Warband name, will have to get back to you about how many hat wearers there actually are in it :D
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