Week 2 Results

Including Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Stargrave

Week 2 Results

Postby Dave » Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:27 am

I’ll get this started.

Opponent: Mike
Scenario: Mausoleum
Treasure: 3-2 (in Mike’s favour, one treasure unclaimed).
Level: 4 (+20 Exp banked)
Warband Rating: 3,565 (includes 2 stashed Grimoires @500ea)

1. Archer threading his arrow through the eye of a needle from half the board away, plugging my wounded wizard who was heroically hobbling away with a treasure token.
2. My wizard dying to said arrow (Elixir of life used!).
3. Mike’s dice tray.

For my own info:
Level 3: +1 Health (16)
Level 4: Brew Potion -1 (10)
Last edited by Dave on Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:42 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Mike » Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:21 pm

Scenario 2 vs Dave

I think my dice tray is possessed.

Cant hit someone out in the open then i get a 1 in a million shot that takes out Dave’s wizard.
I know they happen 9 out of 10 times. I was high up, near an edge, standing on one toe with dust floating down over my eyes, shooting between several pillars at nearly max distance. I am sure i saw a dragon on his tunic.

10 creature kills 6 skeletons, 2 dogs, imp and zombie.

Level 4 120xp banked

2h weapon +1 fight
524g (CHANGED 574g) after selling potion and grimoire (CHANGED and not purchased dust)
Healed Wizard -150g
Purchased Kennel - 400g
Left with 14g (update forgot the 10 for the dog)

Warband rating

After looking at the base upgrades i have not purchased the fairy dust but a kennel for the treasury. I have a very suitable war hound to be my wizards animal companion.
( as it is classed as an animal companion does it change from -2 will to +1 ?)
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:20 pm

Mike, 150gp to heal (p.75).

My result will follow later, but our game was a lot simpler and less bloody than Mike's and Dave's!
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby bennyowens » Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:21 pm

Opponent Simon
Scenario The Mausoleum
Treasure 3 - 3
Level 4 with 130 exp banked
Warband rating 2800
Misc +1 to health and made Telekinesis easier to cast. Bought a kennel for my brewery.

Planning to recruit a new specialist to replace a thug before the next game, just need to have a rummage to see what suitable models I have before deciding. Will also be using my kennel to bring a war hound.


- A telekinesis tug of war with a treasure token
- A monster appearing every time a treasure was claimed (that's 100% for me in the campaign!)
- My thug leading 3 monsters on a merry dance into the corner of the table, before strolling off with his treasure
- A white gorila running the gauntlet of two wizards Pushing him, an archer shooting him, and two explosive runes, and still making it into combat
- After only getting 40 gold last game, I got over 700 this time!
- Half the Black Market rolls involving some variation of Crumble (which I already know!)

EDIT: here is the knight and "war hound" who will be joining me for next week's game after a speedy painting session today!

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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:04 am

Opponent: Ben
Scenario: The Mausoleum
Treasure: 3 - 3
Level: 3 with 50 exp banked
Warband rating: 1694 (Grimoire of Banish stashed)
Misc: +1 to health and made Grenade easier to cast.

A combination of terrain layout, the fact my warband was borked (2 wounded, no magic items) and wanting to not die(!) meant there wasn't a lot of warband interaction in our game, just Ben firing a few arrows over the top of the fog as I tried to run off! Just skeletons and a bear to deal with for me, and thankfully I was able to mob the bear early and successfully hit it, so it didn't get to repeat the Ice Spider's efforts from last week.

Found a couple of scrolls, some potions (that I mainly sold) and a Grimoire I can't learn yet. Was sold a pair of Gloves of Strength by a nice trader, who was still trying to flog the Crumble scroll that Ben didn't want.
Replaced a Thug with a Barbarian.
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:08 am

Remember, if you upgrade a soldier (i.e. I've dropped a Thug and added a Barbarian) your rating will go up as well (which would be offset by the drop in gold, but you'll need to take it into account for future reference.
My basic rating before items etc is now 525.

Mike wrote:After looking at the base upgrades i have not purchased the fairy dust but a kennel for the treasury. I have a very suitable war hound to be my wizards animal companion.
( as it is classed as an animal companion does it change from -2 will to +1 ?)

War Hound is a War Hound, so stays at -2. If you have the Animal Companion spell, you can Summon a Wolf and put it in there (but not a Leopard or Bear), and that would get the +3 Will.
It says "hound or wolf (animal companion)" because you can only get a wolf via Animal Companion, not because any creature in the kennel counts as one.

Kennel gives you the chance to have 11 models every game, but at the 'risk' of being relatively weak creatures.
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Mike » Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:24 pm

Darkson wrote:Opponent: Ben
Scenario: The Mausoleum
Treasure: 3 - 3
Level: 3 with 50 exp banked
Warband rating: 1694 (Grimoire of Banish stashed)
Misc: +1 to health and made Grenade easier to cast.

A combination of terrain layout, the fact my warband was borked (2 wounded, no magic items) and wanting to not die(!) meant there wasn't a lot of warband interaction in our game, just Ben firing a few arrows over the top of the fog as I tried to run off! Just skeletons and a bear to deal with for me, and thankfully I was able to mob the bear early and successfully hit it, so it didn't get to repeat the Ice Spider's efforts from last week.

Found a couple of scrolls, some potions (that I mainly sold) and a Grimoire I can't learn yet. Was sold a pair of Gloves of Strength by a nice trader, who was still trying to flog the Crumble scroll that Ben didn't want.
Replaced a Thug with a Barbarian.

Are not stashed items still included in the warband rating for calculating who plays who?
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Re: Week 2 Results

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:38 am

Tom said in another thread that unused Grimoires don't count.
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