Mordheim-A story of smugglers

Scenario One - A deal is struck.
Outside the Gods were making themselves felt. It was a storm of epic proportions as the wind and rain was trying its hardest to enter through the walls and roof. The pitch black night was cruelly lit by eye aching flashes of brilliant white.
Inside the smoky bar room everyone’s eyes were on the three cloaked travellers sat at the boards. The onlookers held their collective breaths as the bidding was reaching fever pitch, it was as if losing the bid was more important than the item itself.
Sat on the table between the hooded man’s arms was a large piece of jet black stone flecked with glowing green lines which intensified with the lightning from outside. This was what they were after, this was why they travelled to this desolate place, and this was why they answered their personal invites, this and the promise of more to come.
Owning the piece was a start but the knowledge of where it came from was much more important and finally as one shook her head in defeat everyone leaned forward in expectation. The owner of the stone sat straighter, slowly lifted his hood and started laughing quietly. ‘Well wasn’t that fun ladies, but don’t worry you can find this in Mordheim’. With that he grabbed the stone and leapt up, followed by the brightest light imaginable.
The silence was shocking; the storm had disappeared as suddenly as their so called host.
Greetings Bavragor; welcome to The Turks Head, a waypoint on the ‘great’ road between Wurtbad and Mordheim. It seems this smuggling run could be more beneficial than you first thought. You know Tungdil would moan if he knew you had decided to stop for a couple on the way back to camp. Especially as the sack of unrefined gold ore is still in the hay cart outside where anyone could get their hands on it, but it’s not often you see Darkstone, let alone that sort of quantity and it always fetches good gold on certain markets. You need to get this information out to the lads as soon as you can. A visit to Mordheim is on the cards! But don’t forget your original stash!
Terrain; The scenario is based in a Roadside Tavern consisting of a yard, a stable block, a tap room, a barrel store and two guest rooms. The yard gate is the only exit as all doors and windows are locked and barred due to the taverns location.
Warbands; You are sat at the bar end of the long table facing the door.
Starting the game; Each player rolls a D6. The highest has the first turn and order of play proceeds clockwise around the table from there.
Ending the game; The game ends when the GM has witnessed half of the objectives being fulfilled.
Your objective is to get off of the board.
Experience; You will earn between zero and three victory points based on success in completing your objective.
Name M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Spec.
Bavragor - 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 6 Hard to kill, hard head, armour, hate Orcs and Goblins, grudgebearers, incomparable miners
Light armour, dwarf axe
Outside the Gods were making themselves felt. It was a storm of epic proportions as the wind and rain was trying its hardest to enter through the walls and roof. The pitch black night was cruelly lit by eye aching flashes of brilliant white.
Inside the smoky bar room everyone’s eyes were on the three cloaked travellers sat at the boards. The onlookers held their collective breaths as the bidding was reaching fever pitch, it was as if losing the bid was more important than the item itself.
Sat on the table between the hooded man’s arms was a large piece of jet black stone flecked with glowing green lines which intensified with the lightning from outside. This was what they were after, this was why they travelled to this desolate place, and this was why they answered their personal invites, this and the promise of more to come.
Owning the piece was a start but the knowledge of where it came from was much more important and finally as one shook her head in defeat everyone leaned forward in expectation. The owner of the stone sat straighter, slowly lifted his hood and started laughing quietly. ‘Well wasn’t that fun ladies, but don’t worry you can find this in Mordheim’. With that he grabbed the stone and leapt up, followed by the brightest light imaginable.
The silence was shocking; the storm had disappeared as suddenly as their so called host.
Greetings Bavragor; welcome to The Turks Head, a waypoint on the ‘great’ road between Wurtbad and Mordheim. It seems this smuggling run could be more beneficial than you first thought. You know Tungdil would moan if he knew you had decided to stop for a couple on the way back to camp. Especially as the sack of unrefined gold ore is still in the hay cart outside where anyone could get their hands on it, but it’s not often you see Darkstone, let alone that sort of quantity and it always fetches good gold on certain markets. You need to get this information out to the lads as soon as you can. A visit to Mordheim is on the cards! But don’t forget your original stash!
Terrain; The scenario is based in a Roadside Tavern consisting of a yard, a stable block, a tap room, a barrel store and two guest rooms. The yard gate is the only exit as all doors and windows are locked and barred due to the taverns location.
Warbands; You are sat at the bar end of the long table facing the door.
Starting the game; Each player rolls a D6. The highest has the first turn and order of play proceeds clockwise around the table from there.
Ending the game; The game ends when the GM has witnessed half of the objectives being fulfilled.
Your objective is to get off of the board.
Experience; You will earn between zero and three victory points based on success in completing your objective.
Name M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Spec.
Bavragor - 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 6 Hard to kill, hard head, armour, hate Orcs and Goblins, grudgebearers, incomparable miners
Light armour, dwarf axe