Dreadball League 3

Dreadball League 3

Postby Ray » Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:49 am

Who is up for another dreadball league at some point soon now that we have rules for the 12 new teams? Sign up here.

Ray - Veer-myn
Simon - Convicts
Tom - Orx
Matt - Ada Lorena
Mike - Hobgoblin
Sven - Koris
Mark - Human
Dave - Brokkr
Gary - Rebs

If anyone needs to borrow a team, post up what team you are looking for. There are loads of spare ones floating about.

We will play enough rounds for everyone to play everyone, with any number of friendlies being played between rounds, following the normal rule of not being able to play a friendly against the last person you played. All rules from the season 1-6 books will be in use with the following exceptions:

Hacking, Fans, and MVPs may only be used in friendlies.
In a friendly, you may swap your entire underdog bonus for a single MVP instead of the free agents you would normally get. The MVP must not cost more than your underdog bonus.
Each MVP may only be used once. I will maintain a list of which ones are still available. They can be taken on a first come first served basis.

I've put these rules in to remove the problems we had with MVPs last time round, where everyone took them in league games which gave big advantages to teams with a lower rating. Hacking and fans are banned in league games to represent the higher level of security at games where the results actually count towards the league.

Unless something goes wrong, round 1 will start on 1st September.

Can everyone please mark front arcs on their bases. The official system of the direction the model is looking is easy to get wrong with some of the more dynamically posed models. Marked bases avoid confusion (and potential arguments), while requiring a minimal amount of effort.

League Table
Strike difference in brackets

Ray 22 (38) - 1 game left
Sven 16 (11) - 1 games left
Matt 15 (14) - 2 games left
Gary 15 (12) - 1 game left
Mark 13 (4) - 2 games left
Tom 10 (-8) - 2 games left
Mike 9 (-11) - 3 games left
Dave 7 (-20) - 2 games left
Simon 7 (dropped)

Round 1

Mark vs Mike (2-0)
Tom vs Dave (1-0)
Ray vs Simon (7-0)
Sven vs Gary (0-5)
Matt vs - (7-0)

Round 2

Ray vs Matt (1-0)
Tom vs Gary (0-1)
Dave vs Mark (0-2)
Sven vs Mike (3-0)
Simon vs - (7-0)

Round 3

Ray vs Gary (7-0)
Mark vs Matt (0-7)
Tom vs Sven (0-1)
Simon vs Dave (7-0)
Mike vs - (7-0)

Round 4

Ray vs Sven (7-0)
Matt vs Simon (5-0)
Mike vs Gary (0-6)
Tom vs Mark (0-7)
Dave vs - (7-0)

Round 5

Ray vs Mark (7-0)
Matt vs Gary (1-0)
Simon vs Mike (0-7)
Sven vs Dave (7-0)
Tom vs - (7-0)

Round 6

Gary vs Dave (1-0)
Ray vs Mike (7-0)
Tom vs Matt (0-7)
Sven vs Simon (7-0)
Mark vs - (7-0)

Round 7

Mike vs Dave
Mark vs Simon (7-0)
Sven vs Matt (5-0)
Ray vs Tom
Gary vs - (7-0)

Round 8

Ray vs Dave (2-0)
Mark vs Gary
Matt vs Mike
Simon vs Tom (0-7)
Sven vs - (7-0)

Round 9

Matt vs Dave
Simon vs Gary (0-7)
Sven vs Mark
Mike vs Tom
Ray vs - (7-0)
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:06 am

In, no idea with what though. Guess I should take something with Jacks this time.
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Tom » Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:43 pm

Always willing to play anything.
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Pass » Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:32 pm

I'm in.

Not sure of team choice yet, awaiting my KS delivery
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Mike » Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:58 pm

I'm in but unsure what team.choice between goblins or Rebs.
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:39 pm

Pass wrote:Not sure of team choice yet, awaiting my KS delivery

Might be a waiting a bit longer :( :
- After that, there are then 500 or so DreadBall Xtreme orders that also backed the Kings of War Kickstarter campaign – they’ll be the first to get their Kings of War packages as soon as the Rulebook comes in on the 6th August.

And from the sounds of it, even though I'm only expecting Blaine from KoW mine will also be in this one. I understand why they've done it, but a bit of a heads-up in advance would have been nice.
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Ray » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:03 am

That is only a week away. Plenty of time yet. I was thinking maybe start in September?
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:06 am

Yeah, but don't forget they're doing ROW first, then US/can, then Euro/UK.

September sounds good to me, but check with Gary about Mordheim?
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Tom » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:44 am

Are there more teams coming than the ones on this page?

http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/ ... teams.html

And is anyone able to send me some team summary PDFs or something? Much fun as it would be to pick from just the figures, it would be nice to have a vague idea how they all play.
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Re: Dreadball League 3

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:53 am

Another 4 teams I think.

I don't think there's an official or unofficial team reference sheet that has all the teams on it, just the original game ones. I could make one from stitching all the team pages together possibly, but will take a little while.
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