Deadzone 2 Campaign

Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Tom » Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:29 pm

I've never been more dissapointed in you Dave.

But sure that's fine. It seems to be simmering down to a fairly casual affair as is.
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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby John » Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:04 am

Im really sorry i missed the game we arranged a couple of weeks ago but we have had a recent loss in the family so i've not been in available, i'll be back down next tuesday, (6th/09) if anyone is free for a game.

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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Trelliz » Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:37 pm

As part of getting back into wargaming i've been looking around mantic's considerable and affordable range and the Deadzone/Warpath games look really interesting. I see this campaign is well and truly done but are any of them still played at all? I was sorely tempted to spend way too much on deadzone, the warpath books and the massive veermyn army bundle but thought better to ask if i'd actually have anyone to play with? ;)
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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Ray » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:17 pm

The campaign never really got off the ground as half the group got distracted by malifaux just as it was getting started. Having said that, I'd be happy to revisit deadzone at some point, but I know some people are less happy with the abstracted movement/ranges. I can bring the deadzone and warpath books with me at some point if you want to have more of a look?
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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Trelliz » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:53 pm

I'm certainly curious in the range of games in the setting - deadzone seems to fit between nightvault and kill team in its board/wargame systems while firefight and warpath seem to match kill team and 40k, all using mantic's interesting rules.

I was also amazed at the price - for a flat £100 (or less from independents) you can get a massive army with vehicles and commanders whereas GW would charge way more for the same. Plus space Skaven and Space Dwarves are cool.
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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:31 pm

I'd be interested in relooking at it in the future - I got put off before (DZ1) by the fact that there was a scenario where, due to forces and scenario goals, you were better off retreating (quitting) before even setting up, something I believe DZ2 sorted.

Unfortunately it will probably have to wait for a while though for me.
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Re: Deadzone 2 Campaign

Postby Tom » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:33 am

I'd be happy to play it again.
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