Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Mike » Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:30 pm

A separate section for the strike force list and the games played. I will update after each game and post here.

Marauder warlord 2 x 34, Ripper suit mauler 2 x 28, Commando pyro 3 x 21, Commando 6 x 30, Maw beast 5 x 25, Ammo 2x2

Stage 3a General 3 x 30, Stage 3a mortar 2 x 20, Swarm 3 x 39, Trooper 3 x 18, Hell hounds 9 x 27, Ammo 6 x 6

Rebel commander 2 x 32, Teraton 1 x 21, Kraaw 2 x 16, Drones 3 x 9, Sorak 6 x 36, Yndij 4 x 24, Ammo 2

Sergeant 2 x 30, Enforcer 3 x 30, Burst laser 2 x 20, Assault enforcer 2 x 20, Defender 1 x 12, Wrist blade 1 x 18, Ammo 5, Credits 5

Rebel commander 2 x 32, Teraton 2 x 42, Grogan desolater 2 x 24, Human rebel 2 x 8, Yndij 2 x 12, Drones 2 x 6, Sorak 2 x 12, Ammo 4

Sergeant 2 x 30, Enforcers 5 x 50, Snipers 2 x 26, Enforcer burst laser 3 x 30, Ammo 4

12x Commando 60, 4x Goblin Sniper 28, 2x Mawbeast 10, 2x Rainmaker 28, Captain 13, Ammo 1
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Mike » Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:54 pm

Games are as follows.

Game 1, Pass vs Mike, Ray vs Simon, Sven vs Tom
Game 2, Mike vs Ray, Pass vs Tom, Dave vs Sven
Game 3
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Tom » Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:42 am

First round match, the random factor of who was available beat out the random factor of Mike's scrabble draw and my Plague went up against Sven's Marauders.

With two teams tooled up for close combat, unless someone made a big error it was going to come down to the dice.

Turned out I made the big error as Sven's Mawbeast got to charge my mortar on turn two, but his dice were so terrible that I managed to escape harm entirely.

I had survive and kill for my mission, Sven had points just for kills, and by turn 4 I managed the 6th kill (though most of my kills seemed to be from Sven's forces charging in to combat and then rolling their own doom) for victory.

I lost 2 dogs and a swarm but resurrected the swarm with no ill effect (it would have been brain damage if it had a brain!) and Sven lost 3 Mawbeasts, a Ripper Suit and 2 Flamers, resurrecting the suit and a flamer with no ill effect.

I gained 14 rep, spending 3 on heals. I belive Sven gained 7, spending 6 on heals.

I now have a swarm with brawler :twisted:

Sven now has someone, I forget who, with medic.

Lessons learned: Flamers hurt when they hit. Sprint as an overwatch reaction is nice. Marauders high survive stat makes them hard to suppress. The minimum range on indirect fire can be a bitch.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Mike » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:58 pm

First round match vs Mat

Enforcers instructed to control and capture taking out any leaders or specialists.
Rebels were to pick up crates and push through the Enforcer controlled areas.

I think I may have sneaked a sharp shooter into my enforcers. Blazed away and suppressed Mats rebels with one Enforcer trooper shooting 2 Yndij dead. He ended with 3 exp and rolled stat.

Mats dice failed at nearly every roll. With my team ready to take more Rebs out he left the field to fight another day.

Mat 2 dead yndij 0 reputation Unlocked Zees
Mike 0 dead 10 reputation Unlocked Recon Drone

Thoughts for future campaign:
leave yourself some creds to pay for medical treatment for injuries from your first game.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Mike » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:14 am

Simons enforcers vs Ray marauders.
The new enforcer commander was entasked with controlling the whole xyz area with limited men. Coming from a blood sports background where you smash and infiltrate it was going to be a hard task. The strike force approached the sector criss crossing the terrain.

The marauder commander wanted to increase his domain whilst letting his force let off a bit of steam by killing corporate forces. His large force were bunched up as they approached the designated sector.

The enforcers spotted the marauders first and sent a burst of fire at the marauders leader supressing him and one other. The sniper took a snap shot but only injured. Relocating to cover the enforcers blazed away at the marauder leader hoping to take him down and rattle the marauders, possibly causing a rout. Not today the commander was hunkered down safe.

The marauders returned fire blazing away at the enforcers suppressing half their team. One of the three goblin snipers had a clear shot back at the enforcers sniper and took him out of the action.

With so few men standing and 3 snipers ranged against him the enforcer commander decided to vacate the area. He may need to think about mercs and the conflict.
Better recon was required for future strikes and his request for recon drones was accepted. Eta unknown.

The marauder commander stood up and surveyed his new bit of urban terrain and hired on a pyro to keep the area swept of enemies.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Tom » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:08 am

Round 2 Plague vs Matt's Rebs.

Matt started by running a box off the map in his first activation, but after that things didn't go so well for the Rebs. Through cards and command points I managed to get my sacrificial distraction dogs over to Matt's forces in turn 1 and some lucky dice scored them a couple of kills.

Then turn 2, the distraction having worked to keep the Rebs bunched together, a devastating(ly lucky rolled) mortar shot took out half of Matt's forces (and the surviving dog). Then a swarm rolled in to clean up for the win.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Mike » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:27 pm

Rays Raiders vs Mikes Military

The marauders wanted to rape and pillage whilst the military wanted to control the area and take out specialist raiders.
Who would have thought how fast those marauders could move. Before the military could clamp down on the area the marauders had cleared it of any crates worth anything.

It was a close call as the last Marauder trying to leave the area took a shot to rout the military and win the day but corporation armour held fast. So close to a 8-14 loss.
With only a few minutes of daylight remaining the military took control of the area with 14-11 win.

Typical of green skin healing all 3 snipers shrugged off their kills and were back ready for the next battle. No wonder they are immune to the plague with that healing ability. With 7 crates out of 8 ransacked Rays Raiders became the biggest force in the area.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Tom » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:21 pm

Tom's Plague Vs Mike's Enforcers

It's been two weeks so I can't remember what happened other than that I won. I think Mike had a good plan of taking out all my guys with intelligence so the mindless swarms would leg it, but got a bit blinkered to the idea and let said swarms approach him pretty unmolested. Munch.
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Re: Deadzone Strike Forces and Games

Postby Tom » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:00 am

Tom's Plague Vs Dave's Rebs

Turn one we all advance and there's a bit of back and forth pinning.

Turn two I roll 8 successes on a 6 die 4+ roll for my mortar's frag and wipe out half his force...

Working out exploding dice probabilities are a bit beyond me at this time in the morning but that's a pretty lucky roll.
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