X-Wing Second Edition stuff is here:
https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/x-wing-second-edition/For details of what is included in the conversion kits, you'll need to go to the FAQ (Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire and Scum & Villainy). Looks like I might only 1 T-65 X-Wing and 1 Punishing One short on cards and dials, but considerably out of pocket if I go for all of the conversion kits.

Hopefully the First Order conversion kit will follow the Galactic Empire and will have at least 4 TIE/fo Fighters and a couple of the Special Forces TIE, or else Teddies might get launched...
The Support section on the page is quite good with downloadable 2nd Ed Rulebook, Rules Reference and Quick-start Rules. Almost a try-before-you-buy...
If anyone can find the official X-Wing Builder App for 2.0, I'd appreciate a point in the right direction as I'm clearly too stupid to find it (although it might be being launched at the same time as the rest of the 2nd Ed stuff (13th Sept)), and it will now be the way to construct lists - no points values are on cards or upgrades as they may vary depending on who takes them!