Epic Play - Queries and Questions

The game we won't play if Ryan's about!

Epic Play - Queries and Questions

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:01 pm

Following on from the first game in Epic with Huge Ships, I suddenly realised why the Single Turbo Laser doubles the agility value for the defender - there are no range modifiers for the weapon as it is a secondary weapon, and therefore we should not have had the extra 3 additional dice for range 5! Live and Learn...

And wouldn't you believe it, there are indeed specific bases for Huge Ships. Although the external dimensions are the same as for large ships, the central hub is in fact smaller to accommodate the vertical stand - I'd never noticed it before. There are now an appropriate number of bases in the bag!
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DaVinci's Cat
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Re: Epic Play - Queries and Questions

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:02 am

DaVinci's Cat wrote:Following on from the first game in Epic with Huge Ships, I suddenly realised why the Single Turbo Laser doubles the agility value for the defender - there are no range modifiers for the weapon as it is a secondary weapon, and therefore we should not have had the extra 3 additional dice for range 5! Live and Learn...

And wouldn't you believe it, there are indeed specific bases for Huge Ships. Although the external dimensions are the same as for large ships, the central hub is in fact smaller to accommodate the vertical stand - I'd never noticed it before. There are now an appropriate number of bases in the bag!

Interesting and Ha we guessed right.
'Jenkins, chap with wings there...five rounds rapid.' - The Brigadier.
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MoodyGit (Gary)
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