Forum for one-off games, new games and games that have currently fallen out of favour, but are still played irregularly


Postby Mike » Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:52 pm

Notes from first game.
LOS - you may ignore units of infantry or artillery friend or foe P31 ( however you may not shoot through or within 1" of a friendly unit P49 Indirect fires over so can P49)
UNIT FORMATION - All models in a unit must be close together within 1". If not you must make a move action to rectify. P35
DOWN gives -2 to hit roll. ( i am sure i used -1 at times) P39
NERVE FULL STRENGTH - if you purchase max for a unit but it must still be 10+. ( schutzen max 8 so no full strength)
WEAPON TEAM spotters - Spotter and weapon are treated as separate items but given one order dice. Weapon uses eyes of spotter to see target when given fire order P71
WEAPON TEAM three types - squad based / support team / artillery.
- Support team - If the firer/weapon carrier model is specifically killed (sniper or a 6) the whole team is killed. P73
- Squad based - If the firer is killed the loader reverts to normal. If the loader is killed or more 1" from firer shots are at -1. P73
OFFICERS - You men, Snap to Action - if not Down can take one order dice out of bag and give it to unit within 6" ( multiple and distance vary depending on level of officer) P83
ARTILLERY - direct and indirect - direct you shoot along the barrel, indirect you shoot from any model in the unit. P93 (note spotters)
ARTILLERY - exceptional damage D6=6 small weapons you take the crew, heavy weapons you destroy the gun resulting in the whole unit being destroyed.
VEHICLES - Heavy weapons suffer a -1 at long range for penetration apart from non kinetic weapons and HE shells. P107
RECCE - if not activated yet may choose to Escape when shot at. P118
MOVING INTO BUILDING - unit must be given a run order to enter a building and all of the unit must be able to get within 1" of the building to enter it. P121
LARGE BUILDINGS - Game prefers 6x6 and no more than 8x8. If building is bigger it is treated as multiple buildings for movement.
SHOOTING AT BUILDINGS - various rules depending on weapons P125 you ignore cover but not downs etc. P124
SHOOTING AT UNITS in BUILDINGS - Unit inside gets hard cover -2 to be hit and if down damage is +1 to roll (check as some vary) P124

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Postby Ray » Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:59 am

Yeah we got a lot wrong, only entering buildings on run orders being the big one. I'm still learning and the year and a half gap between games really didn't help matters. A lot of this stuff didn't come up when I played Oli the other week.
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Postby Mike » Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:11 pm

Ray wrote:Yeah we got a lot wrong, only entering buildings on run orders being the big one. I'm still learning and the year and a half gap between games really didn't help matters. A lot of this stuff didn't come up when I played Oli the other week.

I couldn't believe how much. Oops.
That's why I want to play a game more than once a year.
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Postby Ray » Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:22 pm

I think we at least got all the basics right. I'll have a good read through the whole rulebook before we play again and take some notes of anything I notice that's likely to matter. Back 24th August onwards so up for a rematch after that.
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Postby Tiggs » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:34 am

Up for a game any time.

I have Americans, Soviets, British Paras, Fallschirmjager, Panzer Grenadiers, some Blitzkreig and Japanese.

And I lose to my teenage son regularly :-)
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Postby Tom » Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:29 pm

The shop are mooting a Saturday BA tourney and asking for interest numbers in their FB group.
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Postby Dave » Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:46 pm

Is there an army list builder?

I found this, does anyone use it or recommend an alternative?
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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Postby Mike » Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:34 pm

Dave wrote:Is there an army list builder?

I found this, does anyone use it or recommend an alternative?

Yes, very good, very easy and print options great.
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Postby Tiggs » Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:22 am

Definitely very good. Easy to use and shows you all viable alternatives for any list (both in the core book and all the supplements). Click lock open and you can see the contents in every section in a list.

You can quickly make up a list to any set points value, tweaking it as you go. Output to PDF and print and you have a ready made quick reference for your army, including all the weapons ranges, number of dice, penetration and special options and summary of the relevant rules referred to in the list, eg assault, sniper, flamethrower, team, shaped charge etc plus a quick pick list to help you dig the correct number of figures out the box.
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Postby Dave » Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:29 am

Thanks both.

I impulse purchased some commandos when in town the other day. It will be a very slow grow army build but hopefully in the not too distant future Iā€™ll have something playable.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
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