Malifaux Fonts

Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:01 pm
by Russ
Is there a way of adding a font with the Malifaux symbols?
Re: Malifaux Fonts

Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:55 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
If you mean to the forum I doubt it, but if it can it's something only Ray can do.
Re: Malifaux Fonts

Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:30 pm
by Ray
I'll look into it at some point. Don't hold your breath though
Re: Malifaux Fonts

Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:59 am
by Ray
It's pretty easy to add this but I will need a set of images. If someone wants to find/make some, I will add them. Images should be gif files with a resolution of 16x16.
Re: Malifaux Fonts

Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:01 pm
by Ray
Thanks but I'm not sure that helps. It looks like the font they use in the logo etc, but it doesn't have the symbols as far as I can see.
Re: Malifaux Fonts

Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:15 pm
by Ray
It doesn't work like that. I could install the font by messing about behind the scenes, and I could set it so the forum uses it instead of it's normal font, but then everything would look like that. It would also only work if the user has the font installed locally. In other words it wouldn't work unless each person manually downloads and installs the font as well. It would never work on mobile devices that don't have an easy way to add fonts. If we are going to get the malifaux symbols on here we need to do it through Smilies not by messing about with fonts.