Geoff new guy

Hi, Just joined. My son and I play many games:
-X-wing Miniatures: We are very casual players just getting a grips with 2.0 and like to play narrative
-WH40K: We like it and have lots of teams not very savvy on the rules
-Battletech: We love it but haven't [played for a while
Judge Dredd: Haven't played yey
Nemesis: By far our favourite game. My son knows the rules well
Descent Journeys in the Dark 2nd Ed: We like it and have played it a lot. Don't like to look of 3rd ed
Sparticus: Haven't played it yet
Alien RPG: Haven't played it yet
Painting: I love painting and making things out of junk
-X-wing Miniatures: We are very casual players just getting a grips with 2.0 and like to play narrative
-WH40K: We like it and have lots of teams not very savvy on the rules
-Battletech: We love it but haven't [played for a while
Judge Dredd: Haven't played yey
Nemesis: By far our favourite game. My son knows the rules well
Descent Journeys in the Dark 2nd Ed: We like it and have played it a lot. Don't like to look of 3rd ed
Sparticus: Haven't played it yet
Alien RPG: Haven't played it yet
Painting: I love painting and making things out of junk