Hi all!

If you're new to the group, introduce yourself here and tell us what games you play and/or are interested in

Hi all!

Postby TheCrimsonKing » Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:25 pm

Hello all,

Recently moved into the area (3 guesses what my profession is).

I only picked up TT gaming during C****19 so I dont have a plethora of gaming XP.

I only play 40k although I am tempted to move into HH. I have 2 armies; Orks, because they are hilarious and I love rolling buckets of dice in the charge and TS because I really love the lore and the magic of teleportation and smiting the life out of my opponent. I did play in a club at my previous address but haven't played anything in 6+ months. I'd really like to attend as many club nights as possible ideally to chuck dice around but mainly just to chat and meet like-minded gamers.

So, here's to seeing you all soon and to sharing memes and lore stories with you all.

The Crimson King (who did nothing wrong)
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Re: Hi all!

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:20 pm


Can't help you with 40k, as haven't played it for 10+ years, but feel free to pop down any week and see if any other game we play piques your interest. There's at least a couple of games played that you could easily use your various 40k figures with (Stargrave and Xenos Rampant).
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Re: Hi all!

Postby Dave » Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:47 pm


We do have members who play 40k so I’m sure you’ll be able to arrange some games.

Quite a few of us have recently bought in to Horus Heresy so if that has piqued your interest we are happy to lend figures and do some intro games.

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Re: Hi all!

Postby TheCrimsonKing » Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:56 pm

Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure my TS can be fielded in HH do maybe I could Try that?
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Re: Hi all!

Postby Dave » Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:18 am

I don’t see why not, you might have to proxy here and there but for the most part your models should work. If you do come on Tuesday you can take a look at the army book and see how your models might fit in to an army list.

As most of us are new we have just started an escalation “league” type of thing, it’s not competitive but rather a way of building our armies whilst still playing games. We are currently in the first round and so only playing 500 point games.
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Re: Hi all!

Postby Ray » Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:12 am


While we are a bit lacking on 40k players, if you can figure out a way to get your army to work in heresy you will have plenty of opponents.
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Re: Hi all!

Postby ErebusMort » Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:32 pm


I don’t really get to play 40K much anymore, but there’s always the opportunity to use your figures in Kill Team, which is a decent little skirmish game that GW seem to have got right this version.

And definitely worth trying out Horus heresy with them as that’s certainly more popular at the club at the moment.
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Re: Hi all!

Postby bennyowens » Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:07 pm

Hi there!

I play a fair bit of 40k (currently with Genestealer Cults) so will be happy to give you a game sometime!
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Re: Hi all!

Postby Tom » Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:43 pm

I've been distracted by 30k, but still have the ambition to get up to small Crusade level with Craftworld Eldar at some point.

You can check out the KIllteam rules on wahapedia, I strongly suspect you'll have all the models you need ready to go.
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Re: Hi all!

Postby TheCrimsonKing » Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:24 pm

Yeah, I actually have Kommandos that are set up for Kill Team so I could bring those. But I'll happily watch a game of HH to see how it works.
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